The Honorable Walter Gulley, Jr.
18th Most Worshipful Grand Master
The Honorable Walter Gulley, Jr.
18th Most Worshipful Grand Master
The Honorable Walter Gulley, Jr.
18th Most Worshipful Grand Master
The Honorable Jeffrey G. Jones
19th Most Worshipful Grand Master

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Right Worshipful Kendall T. Moore Senior Grand Warden
Zone 3 Coordinator
Brother Rev. Ronald E. Williams, Sr.
Grand Worthy Patron
Sister Yolanda Jones
Worthy Matron

The Eastern Star Motto in full color with an appropriate verse describing the five colors of the O.E.S on a beautiful postcard Verse states: "May the Blue ever keep you Faithful and True To convictions of Duty and Right. May the Yellow remind you ever to be Just And the White on your path, shed its Light. May the Green keep you Trustful, with Faith to believe. And the Red give you Courage and Power. For with these bright rays of our beautiful Star comes strength for each day and each hour."